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Klamath Falls Bike Tour

9 Days - 385 Miles

Updated: May 6, 2020

We were invited to go on a bike tour with our friend Sam and the Mid-Valley Bicycle Club. They set up a camping tour from Klamath Falls to Corvallis, Oregon. It was a 9 day, 385 mile tour, with about 18,000 feet of climbing and one rest day. The group had 36 riders and 3 SAG support members. From Klamath Falls the route made its way north around Crater Lake National Park. The roads were relatively traffic free and absolutely beautiful, winding through the lush forests of Ponderosa pines. Many of our campsites were along gorgeous lakes and rivers. The only down side was the mosquitoes and bugs that found a way to bite us through insect spray. By day 4 we had finished most of our big climbs. We rode next to the Umpqua River enjoying a 4200 foot descent over 50 miles. We took a day off in Roseburg and camped at the fairgrounds. We rode into town for breakfast at a local café, did some window shopping, toured the history museum and discovered the Paul O’Brien Winery, which was featured in Sunset Magazine and enjoyed dinner at a local brewery. The next day we rode out of the pines and into the Willamette Valley, which is a rich agricultural area in Oregon. It runs about 150 miles from Portland to Eugene. Our last night was at a campground just outside of Eugene. The Pro Rodeo was in town and seven of us piled into a support van and headed to the show. After watching the cowboys and cowgirls we were happy to be riding a different kind of saddle. The ride back to Corvallis was flat through fertile farmland. It was a great way to conclude a wonderful bike tour.

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