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El Dorado, KS to Marshfield, MO

57 Days - 2903 Total Miles

Updated: May 6, 2020

As we left eastern Kansas the temperature and humidity began to climb. We also said goodbye to the flat roads. We met Pastor Joe in Benedict, KS and he gave us cold drinks and an ice cream. He also said a prayer for us as we left. Missouri met us with the Ozark Mountains just 40 miles into the state. Before the climbing started we had the pleasure of having pie at Cooky’s Café. Other cyclists had told us about Cooky’s way back in Sheridan, Wyoming. It was worth the wait and the 1,500 miles to get there. In Ash Grove, Missouri we stayed in the Barham House. This refurbished 1876 house is located in the city park. There is no charge for traveling bicyclists to stay. We picked up keys at City Hall and the house was ours. After a long, hot and humid ride, it was a blessing to have this air conditioned house available to us. We stayed for an additional rest day. The last photo shows the elevation profile for a portion of Missouri. The rest of it looks like the graph on a Richter Scale. Until next time…..

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